.NET MVC User Login for Google Authorization

Project Description

.Net MVC project for the user login and registration example with Google account authorization.  Project uses default MVC templates without any additional codes.  To use Google account authorization, follow the step by step instructions bellow.  This project does not require any coding, and shows how to start .Net MVC project from Visual Studio.
1. Create new .Net MVC project from Visual Studio.
2. Select MVC template from the list.
3. Build solution. (Ctrl + Shift + B)
4. Enable SSL and note SSL URL to use Google authentication later on.
5. Open Google Developers Console, and open or create your project.
6. Create API credentials for the project, enable Google+ Api
7. Open Startup.Auth.cs file. Un-comment and edit Google client id and secret.
8. Run Web Application. Test Login, and Log Off
9. Finished.