New release 3.3.0 with new user interface (UI), Dec. 2020
Download Android App (APK Ver. 2.7.3)
Download APK (2.7.3) file. After downloding, remove temporay information app first. Then, install downloaded (2.7.3) app into the phone. Currently, android app on the Google Play Store has been removed and replaced with temporary information app. In the near future, newly designed app will be updated on the Google Play Store.
Download Android App
Download app from google play store.
On Demand Remote Camera View Help
View and take photo of multiple remote camera devices remotely through the internet connection.
Camera Trigger Wear Watch
Control app from Android Wear Watch. Find how to use wear watch for the Camera Trigger android app.
User Record Folder Settings Help
Set photo and video record folder manually; SD Card storage could be used.
Camera Trigger Demo (old)
See demo video, YouTube.
Version 3.3.0 Update, Dec. 2020
- New user interface (UI)
- Easy to use and navigate the app functions
- Flash mode enhanced for the Torch options
- Torch (alwasys on) flash mode would be useful on the dark environments.
- New fast burst mode saving option
- The small preview images would be saved continuously for defalut 3 seconds when detecion is occurred.
- View YouTube video (new version how to use)
Version 2.7.3 Update, Aug. 26, 2017
- Wear watch app bug/crash fix.
- Wear app fix on the phone app communication.
- For wear app sync with phone, please try to reinstall phone app if wear app sync fails.
Version 2.7.1 Update, Aug. 15, 2017
- Advanced Timelapse Mode
- App Timer: User could set automatic app running timer for the timelapse mode; start and end time. (available on App Main mode, Main mode must be opened for this function work.)
- Automatic Camera On-Off option: For battery saving purpose, app will close Camera during the next time-lapse interval.
- App Screen Brightness Modes
- For battery saving purpose, app will set screen brightness to minimum during the detection operation.
- Manual screen brightness change buttons: Screen brightness minimum and reset buttons.
- Default file naming.
- yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss-b-00-d-0000: year-month-day-hour-minutes-seconds-b-battery percentage-d-disk mb
- Example: 2017-08-15-14-05-30-b-75-d-1290 ( Date: 2017-08-15, Time: 2PM:5:30, Batter remaining: 75%, Disk remaining: 1290 mb)
Version 2.7.0 Update, Feb. 12, 2017
- flag Version 2.6.8 Jan. 27, 2017
- Real time battery and storage status display
- Minor bug fixes.
- flag Version 2.6.4 Oct. 9, 2016
- flag Version 2.6.2 Mar. 21, 2016
- Google Drive video upload option.
- Notification (image upload) background processing update.
- flag Version 2.6.1 Mar. 05, 2016
- Various bug fixes.
- New app icon and minor ui update.
- flag Version 2.6.0 Feb. 02, 2016
- New Google Drive Image Folder will be used instead of the drive root folder.
- Google Drive Image Folder Name: CameraTrigger
- The Detection Area will be saved upon the size and location changes.
- flag Version 2.5.9 Nov. 14, 2015
- Minor UI (user interface) update on Main Mode.
- Bug fixes.
- flag Version 2.5.8 Oct. 25, 2015
- flag Version 2.5.6 Sep. 07, 2015
- Google play service update.
- App Upgrade information update.
- flag Version 2.5.4 JUl. 21, 2015
- User specified sound file play on trigger action.
- New sound play option could be set from Trigger Settings.
- Name your own sound file as cameratrigger.ogg and place at the app root folder. (/cameratrigger/cameratrigger.ogg)
- If user set to play sound but no user sound file is found, then default sound will be played on trigger action.
- flag Version 2.4.9 Jun. 11, 2015
- New Images To Video (Time Lapse) standalone app; replaces old function included in app.
- For more information: Images To Video (Time Lapse)
- Bug fixes, for android version less then KitKat Watch (4.4W).
- Minor UI update.
- flag Version 2.4.6 (7) Ar. 24, 2015
- flag Version 2.4.3 Feb. 04, 2015
- Convert recorded images to a single video file
- Visual help for Image to Video functions. (click for more information)
- flag Version 2.4.2 Jan. 09, 2015
- Android Wear Support.
- My Record view updates.
- Bug fixes.
- info_outline Camera Hide Service (Version, 2.4.x)