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1. OBD2 Mode |
Dashboard Cam support OBD2 (Vehicle On Board Diagnostics) Bluetooth Interface; but *NOT REQUIRED* to use OBD Mode. OBD interface is mainly used for the automobile service industries by professionals. And budget small bluetooth mode devices are available for the public. From the OBD Mode, user could acquire vehicles speed, rpm, and temperature informations, and user could also record the data along with video and GPS information. |
OBD2 Mode uses Google Map Version 2 which requires Android Version 2.2 and above. And new Google Map V2 should have been installed in the device. (in the future, lower android version also will be supported) To use OBD functions, user also will need to have OBD2 Bluetooth Interface Device, and those are mostly very budget and available from the internet. |
2. Usage and Functions |
1. Use without OBD interface, user could use OBD Mode as simple GPS data view and recording. In OBD Mode, all the un-necessary functions are removed for the fast Video and GPS data recordings. And data recording frequency has been increased for the smoother playback user experiences. OBD Mode supports only Video+GPS and GPS recording mode. 2. OBD interface usage, to use OBD Mode, android device and obd interface has been paired beforehand. To start obd mode, click OBD button then select paired obd interface from the list. To stop obd mode, click the OBD button once again. 3. When OBD mode is stopped, the GPS Mode will take over the system functionality automatically. |
OBD2 Mode Video
3. Google Map Version 2 Info. |
1. Off-line Google Map: to use off-line map, go to Google Map App Settings then cache the desired location map tiles to the android device.
2. 3D View mode is available. 3. Two fingers zoom, rotation and navigation mode. 4. Sharing user current gps location to email or other apps function is available from Share Action Menu. |
Download Dashboard Cam Android Application. |