Remote controller design idea...
Detach and attach displays on the remote controller easily.

With Dual Connection Menu mode, multiple remote cameras would be connected from remote controller easily.
Master Mode: Remote controller initialize the connection to the remote cameras from available cameras searched.
Slave Mode: Remote camera initialize the connection from the paired (bonded) bluetooth device list.
YouTube demo video

Wifi Mode with live view streaming: (Codes and Android App version 1.1.4, released at Dec. 2021)
Enhanced live streaming speed and options.
YouTube demo video

Color Display Mode with live view (streaming) and android device status information display from android camera. (Codes and Android App (version 1.1.2) are available Nov. 2021)
YouTube demo video

Live view (streaming) and android device status information display from android camera. (Codes and Android App (version 1.1.2) are available Nov. 2021)
Android app and code is released: 2021-11-15 Codes and schematics are available to download.
YouTube demo video

Switch Camera Mode (front and back camera change mode): codes and android app is released on Oct. 17, 2021. Requires Android App version 1.1.1 and IoT code version 2.
YouTube demo video

Mini Controller with USB Power Pack
Mini Power Packs for Remote Controller
How it is built?

- Alpha Version 1 (Sep. 22, 2021) Information.  (Only available 1, and SOLD OUT. ^^)
- Buttons: Power, Reset, Action, Photo Mode, Video Mode, Flash Mode
- Power Option 1: Rechargeable Lithium battery (2000 mAh, 3.7v) with USB port
- Power Option 2: 9 V battery with USB port
- Power Option 3: Detachable (Attachable) Battery Pack (Rechargebale Lithium or 9 V) with USB port
- Optional: Joystic Pack, Extended Action Button